"we stayed drunk for many months (swofford, p.83)".

"But the violence, which has become one of the most serious challenges to government authority here in nearly 40 years, showed no sign of abating, and Sunday was the first time policemen had been wounded by gunfire in the unrest. More than 3,300 vehicles have been destroyed along with dozens of public buildings and private businesses since the trouble began Oct. 27".
( France )

there are many reasons why i am anticipating moving to new york city. this weekend was yet another reminder of those reasons. the more and more i can find my way around, and feel comfortable, the more and more it feels like home. jumping on the subway and heading from this friend to that, no money in my pocket, no charge on my phone...its all very romantic really. even though i never eumeterated the place, it still represents some sort of cliched madness that i have yet to understand.
i was in the city for my friend's birthday party. i brought a bunch of hofstra kids and joe came along (as seen above). my old friend shajahan was in the city for the weekend as well, so we met up for the first time in...2 years? so strange.
tomorrow murakami is reading and i am pretty excited. although i have yet to read any murakami, i feel as though it will only inspire me further and i will sit there in quiet amazement while all the people around me fully grasp what is really going on.
what i really need to do (besides apartment hunt/grad school apps/incompletes/job search/marx readings/general research) is see jarhead. i read the book last year in my war and peace class and it quickly became a favorite.
here is a quote:
"some of you will say to me: You signed the contract, you crying bitch, and you fought in a war because of your signature, nobody held a gun to your head. This is true, but because I signed the contract and fulfilled my obligation to fight one of
I am entitled to despair over the likelihood of further atrocities. Indolence and cowardice do not drive me---despair drives me. I remade my war one word at a time, a foolish, desperate act. When I despair, I am alone, and I am often alone. In crowded rooms and walking the streets of our cities, I am alone and full of despair, and while sitting and writing, I am alone and full of despair---the same despair that impelled me to write this book, a quiet scream from within a burried coffin. Dead, dead, my scream.
What did I hope to gain? More bombs are coming. Dig your holes with the hands God gave you (Swofford, p.254)".
I have no idea how this movie is going to turn out, i havent heard good things ,but oh well. i am going to see it anyway. at some point. when i have money. which will be never.
if this quote didn't inspire you to see the movie (or better yet, read the book).
maybe this will:

i mean, its no gay cowboy movie, but still.... -p.s. i read the brokeback mountain short story (thank you michael glennon). its pretty heartbreaking, and pretty poorly written.
i have a few more things to say before i retire:
1. dont make fun of my friends and i for drinking sparks. it demands your respect.
2. watch the boondocks cartoon. it will make you very uncomfortable. in that good, "maybe i should think about this stuff more" sort of way.
3. if anyone wants to buy me a ben folds ticket tomorrow (monday) for my birthday (december 31st, hah). i will make you something that you want. whatever it is.
4. whats with the weather?
5. how come nobody told me about this?!

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