as always, i disagree.

(midnite in atlantic city...still in the hotel room)
one of my favorite things about being single (and being young) is participating in whims. it is something i could not stand to compromise again for a very long time. however, that is neither here nor there.

this weekend was a perfect example of that. with less than $20 to my name i headed off to atlantic city with meredith and laura. i only played $10 in the slots and my highest winnings were around $12.88, and then i lost it all. not so bad considering i had 3 or 4 free drinks, and more fun than i would have had somewhere pretentious in NYC. i also got to dance. and i can't put a price on that. i also can't put a price on good, supportive friends.

i got free tickets (i guess they were all free, hofstra just did a really shitty job of advertising, (what is new)) to see bill clinton on thursday.
i would rather not rehash the experience in its entirety. mostly i am fearful about being called out on my lack of knowledge when it comes to politics (although, i am not completley ignorant), i will only compare it to martin luther getting to go see the pope speak (a comparison of bill clinton vs. the pope's sex lives might be a fun afternoon activity, no?) . while luther is trying to do something great and radical on his own, he still feels the need to maybe hear/see the pope, because, well its the pope . of course, if anyone knows anything about martin luther, they know how much he despised catholicism for all its ornaments and hypocrisies and whatnot. and thats pretty much i how felt about seeing bill clinton. i really wanted to like him, i swear. but, i just couldn't. he was so juxtaposed and out of touch and fucking defensive. he really only cared about his legacy. made a few jabs at bush, but really, what is that good for? just because bill clinton said it doesnt mean anything because the man is still president and blah blah blah...
...also, he said a few things about college loan/pell grants and student debt and whatnot and i just kept thinking...this man could fart in a jar and sell it on ebay and it would solve all my problems.

oh, also. not half as sexy as everyone said. and now i am going to talk about sex for a bit, if that is okay.
one of the many things i noticed last night in atlantic city was the general atmosphere of fake sex. nothing there was really sexy, just the pay-per-view porno type of flashiness that is not a turn on. 40 year old women in fishnet tights giving aways free drinks, young men from new jersey and the surrounding area betting $60 on roulette in order to impress the ladies, old couples, older single people in either business suits or tube tops (which, for some reason (and i know this is offensive) i always find the most depressing), and the three of us. all the rejects of capitalism, looking for a quick fix. but i will let you know...when i was down to $3.75 and those five foxy ladies spun into a single row on the 5cent slot machine and i cashed out at $12.90, it was a victory worth comparing to a very good night. if you pick up what i am putting down.

new york magazine just put out this issue:

its relatively hornifying, however, so white! nobody even has glasses! i kept looking for people i know and/or might have met during my on again off again love affair with the 'blue states lose'
(oh, if you troll through here long enough you'll find a photo of my ex and his girlfriend. hah.) aspect of the city. however, new york magazine's cover only gives me a few blonds, a few brunettes, and more than a few complexes.
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