in lieu of describing to you the bodacious multitudes of the past 6 days of my life, i will instead post photographs, as proof.

on thursday evening rachel, reid and i watched bad programming on the television and read from various magazines. this was after drinking a little 'champagne' (of beers).

and then friday was moving day...which was a strictly sheduled scary 18 hours. back and forth from LI to brooklyn...3 or 4 times.

rachel and joe

rachel joe and reid

then saturday (my birthday!) arrived...

meredith, looking fucking adorable

a quick visit to see joe's dog oscar and then out to dinner...

me and rachel

joe and me


then back to OUR place for cocktails...

meredith and rachel

brittawnee and joe

rachel winn meredith

mike me winn meredith?
somewhere along the way our hassidic electrician came in to fix the light in my bedroom (at 11pm on a saturday night...on new years eve??? who does that?...oh well. the more the merrier)
then we all went out to a few bars, including stain and union pool...

avoid the dirty shirly!

then the next morning we all woke up...a little less productive than the day before...

so here are a few pictures of the apartment, just to give you all an idea:

meredith, making vodka cranberries last night

our couch

part of my bedroom
so that is really all i have/can say right now. mostly i am just exhausted. i was up at 7am this morning in order to commute to long island to work at the bookstore 3 days in a row. whats the point of renting a beautiful apartment if you're never able to spend time in it? gah.
anyways, there are many new and exciting things happening in my life and a year ago i never would have thought i would be where i am. lets hope this upcoming year is no different, full of surprises, big changes, small advances, and minor threats.